ABIS Miniature and Precision Ball Bearings

Common Grease Brands

With bores of 0.6 to 90mm and precision grades to ABEC 7

Common Grease Brands

CodeBrandThickening AgentLubricant BaseOperating Temperature (oC)Approved Standard Comments
SRL*Multemp SRLa LithiumDiester, Mineral-50 – +205Good temperature range, load capacity and water resistance.
AV2Alvania 2SLithiumMineral-25 – +120Good temperature range, load capacity and water resistance.
AG7Aero Shell No. 7MicrogelDiester-73 – +149MIL-PRF-8328DGood temperature range, load capacity and water resistance.
AG2Aero Shell No. 22MicrogelSynthetic Hydrocarbon-65 – +204MIL-PRF-81322FGood temperature range, high load/speed capacity and  water resistance.
 A3SAero Shell No. 33MSLithiumSynthetic Hydrocarbon Ester-73 – +121MIL-G-21164DLow temperature, high load capacity and water resistance.
PS2Multemp PS No. 2LithiumDiester, Mineral-55 – +130Good temperature range, load capacity and water resistance.
SL8Isoflex Super LDS18LithiumDiester-60 – +130MIL-G-7118-AGood temperature range, load capacity and water resistance
 K24Krytox 240ACPFPEFluorinated-35 – +238MIL-G-27617Suitable for high temperature applications. High viscosity at room temperature.
 B32Beacon 325LithiumDiester-60 – +120Suitable for low torque/quiet running applications.

* Default lubricant and will be supplied unless otherwise specified.

** If you have a specific requirement for another grease please contact us for advice.

We look forward to helping you.

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